Imam Shafi'i Biography

Imam Shafi'i's full name Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Idris Shafii ace, was born in Gaza, Palestine in the year 150 AH (767-820 AD), derived from the royal family still far Qurays and the prophet Muhammad. from his father, his line to meet in Abdul Manaf (rasulullah third grandfather) and his mother is still a great-grandson of Ali ibn Abi Talib ra When I was in the womb, his parents left Mecca to Palestine, on arrival in Gaza, his father fell ill and passed away into Rahmatullah, then he nurtured and raised by his mother in a very concerned and Seba shortage, at the age of 2 years, she and her mother returned to mecca and the city where Imam Shafi received care from the mother and her family more intensively.

At the age of 9 years, he has memorized all the verses of the Koran fluently, he even had time to seal the Quran 16 times in his journey from Mecca to Medina. A year later, the book Al Muwatha 'imam malik essay that contains 1720 hadith options are also memorized by rote, Imam Shafi'i also pursue Arabic language and literature in the hamlet of Bedouin children hundail for several years, then he returned to Mecca and learn fiqh from a great scholars who also mufti of Mecca at the time of Imam Muslim bin Khalid Azzanni. Intelligence is what makes him in a very young age (15 years) has been sitting in a chair mufti of Mecca, Imam Shafi'i has not yet satisfied their studies because of the deeper he pursue a science, the more that he has not understood, so it does not surprising that so many teachers of Imam Shafi'i amount equal to the number of disciples.

Although Imam Shafi'i controlled almost all disciplines, but he is better known as hadith and legal experts because the core of his thinking focused on the two branches of science, a great defense against the Sunnah of the Prophet so that he was called Nasuru Sunna (Defenders of the Sunnah of the Prophet). In his view, the Sunnah of the Prophet have a very high position, even some among the states that equalizes the position of Imam Shafi'i Quran Sunnah as a source of law in relation to Islam, therefore, according to him every law set by the prophet is essentially a result of understanding obtained from the Prophet's understanding of the Koran. Apart from these two sources (the Quran and the Hadith), in making a determination of law, Imam Shafi'i also use the Ijma ', Qiyas and istidlal (reasoning) as the basis of Islamic law.

Associated with heresy, Imam Shafi'i argues that the heresy was divided into two kinds, namely commendable innovation and heresy, heresy is said to be commendable if in harmony with the principles of Quran and Sunnah and vice versa. in a matter of imitation, he always gives attention to the students so that students do not blindly accept the opinions and results ijtihadnya opinion, he was not happy students bertaklid blind students on opinions and ijtihadnya, but instead ordered to be critical and cautious in accepting an opinion, as an expression His "This is ijtihadku, if you find another ijtihad better than ijtihadku so follow the ijtihad".

Among the works of Imam al-Shafi'i treatise, al-Umm that includes the contents of some of his book, but it is also a book of hadith Hadith Al Musnadberisi rasulullahyang collected in the book as well as the deviation of Umm Al-Hadith.

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