Siddhartha Gautama-Founder of Buddhism
Gautama Buddha was born as Siddhartha Gautama (Sanskrit: Siddhattha Gotama; Pali: "descendant of Gotama whose goal is accomplished"), he later became the Buddha (literally: the enlightened). He is also known as Shakyamuni ("sage of the Sakya ') and as the Tathagata. Siddhartha Gautama was a spiritual teacher from the northeast region of India which is also the founder of Buddhism It is fundamentally considered by the followers of Buddhism as the Great Buddha (sammasambuddhas) in the present. Time of birth and death is not certain: most historians of the early 20th century life estimates between roughly 563 BC to 483 BC; recently, at a symposium of experts on this issue, most of the scientists who explain the opinion of estimating the date range 20 years between the years 400 BC to the time of death his world, while others support the approximate date of an earlier or later time.
Siddhartha Gautama is the key figure in Buddhism, a description will his life, sermons, and religious rules are believed by Buddhists summarized after his death and memorized by his followers. Various collection of teaching equipment will Siddhartha Gautama given orally, and the writing was first performed about 400 years later. Students from Western countries are more inclined to accept the biography of the Buddha are described in Buddhist texts as a historical record, but lately "student reluctance of Western countries increased in a statement that does not fit the historical facts of the life and teachings of the Buddha."
The father of Prince Siddhartha Gautama was the King of King Suddhodana of the Sakya tribe and his mother was Queen Maha Maya Goddess. Prince Siddhartha Gautama's mother died seven days after the birth of the Prince. After he died, he was born in the natural / Tusita heaven, that heaven sublime. Since the death of Queen Maha Maya Goddess, Prince Siddhartha Maha Pajapati treated by the Queen, her aunt who also became the wife of King Suddhodana.
Curriculum vitae
Prince Siddhartha was born in 563 BC in Lumbini Park, when Queen Maha Maya stood holding the branch of sal trees. At the time of his birth, two small stream falling from the sky, which is a cold while others warm. These currents washed the body of Siddhartha. Siddhartha was born in a clean condition with no stains, stood upright and walked directly to the north, and dipijakinya place overgrown with lotus flowers.
By the monks under the leadership of Kaladewala Asita, predicted that the Prince would later become a Chakrawartin (World Maharaja) or will become a Buddha. Only a hermit Kondanna who firmly predicted that the Prince would later become the Buddha. Hearing these forecasts majesty became worried, because when the Prince became Buddha, no one will inherit the throne of his kingdom. The question of the King, the hermits were explained to the Prince not to see four different events. If not, he would become a hermit and became Buddha. Four kinds of events are:
The sick,
The dead,
A hermit.
Since little has been seen that the Prince was a smart kid and very intelligent, always served by the servants and ladies in waiting are still pretty young and handsome in a magnificent and beautiful palace. At 7 years old, Prince Siddhartha had 3 lotus pond, namely:
Outdoor Color Blue Lotus (Uppala)
Outdoor Color Red Lotus (Paduma)
Outdoor Color White Lotus (Lotus)
In the age of 7 years Prince Siddhartha has studied various sciences. Prince Siddhartha mastered all the lessons well. In the age of 16 years Prince Siddhartha married Princess Yasodhara who dipersuntingnya after winning the competition. And at the age of 16 years, Prince has three palace, namely:
Winter Palace (Ramma)
Summer Palace (Suramma)
Palace of Rainy Season (Subha)
Prince Siddhartha saw four things that changed his life.
The words of King Suddhodana hermit Asita make uneasy day and night, for fear that her only son would leave the palace and become a hermit, wandering homeless. For that King chose many servants to care for Prince Siddhartha, his only son to enjoy the worldly life. All forms of suffering trying to be removed from the life of Prince Siddhartha, such as illness, old age, and death, so Prince just know the worldly pleasures.
One day Prince Siddhartha asked permission to walk outside the palace, where on different occasions he saw "four conditions" are very meaningful, namely the elderly, the sick, the dead and the saints. Prince Siddhartha grieve and ask himself, "What is the meaning of this life, if they will suffer from illness, old age and death. The more they are asking for help to people who do not understand, that neither know and be bound by all things This temporary ". Prince Siddharta think that only the holy life that will give you all the answers.
For 10 years Prince Siddhartha lived in worldly pleasures. Prince Siddharta inner turmoil continues until age 29 years, just in time for her only son Rahula was born. One night, Prince Siddhartha decided to leave his palace and accompanied by a coachman, Canna. His commitment has been rounded to the Great release by living as a hermit.
After that Prince Siddhartha left the palace, family, luxury, to go sit seek the true knowledge that can free mankind from old age, sickness and death. Ascetic Siddhartha studied to Alara Kalama and then to Uddaka Ramāputra, but do not feel satisfied because they do not obtain the hoped for. Then he meditated torture yourself with a company of five ascetics. Finally, he also left an extreme way and meditating under the Bodhi tree to get enlightenment.
Period odyssey
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Statue of Buddha from Gandhara, 1st century or 2nd century.
In his wanderings, Gautama studied hermit hermitage of the ascetic exercises Lord and then deepen to be imprisoned from two other hermits, the hermit and ascetic Alara Kalama Udraka Ramputra. But after learning how to meditate of the second teacher, still have not found the answer he wanted. So the hermit Gautama realized that such an ascetic way it will not reach enlightenment. Then the ascetic Gautama left both his teacher and went to Magadha to implement the self-torturing asceticism in the forest Uruwela, on the banks of the River which flows near Forest Nairanjana Style. Although it has been doing penance to torture myself for six years at Forest Uruwela, remain ascetic Gautama has not been able to understand the nature and purpose of the monastery who made it.
One day a hermit in the hermitage of Gautama heard an old man was advising his son on the boat that crosses the river Nairanjana by saying:
"When the harp strings are tightened, the sound will be higher. If too tightened, putuslah this harp strings, harp and the sound was gone. When the strings harp is relaxed, his voice will be more modest. If it is too relaxed, then it's gone lute. "
Advice is very meaningful to ascetic Gautama who finally decided to stop his meditation and went to the river to bathe. Body who has lived bone barely able to sustain the body ascetic Gautama. A woman named Sujata ascetic Gautama gave a bowl of milk. Her body felt very weak and almost claimed the death of his soul, but with a strong will become strong, ascetic Gautama went samadhi under the bodhi tree (Asetta) in Forest Style, standing vow, "Although my blood dries up, rotting flesh, bones falling scattered , but I will not leave this place until I achieve enlightenment. "
Feeling indecisive and doubt plagued ascetic Gautama himself, almost in despair he faced temptations of Mara, a powerful demon tempter. With a strong will and steely with unwavering faith, Mara finally temptation can be resisted and conquered. This happens when the star of the morning shows itself in the eastern horizon.
The ascetic Gautama has achieved enlightenment and became Buddha-Samyaksam (Sammasam-Buddha), just as the moon in the month of Vesak Purnama Kingdom when he was 35 years old (according to the version of Mahayana Buddhism, 531 BC on the 8th day of the 12th month, according to lunar calendar. Version WFB, in May the year 588 BC). At the time of reaching enlightenment, from the bodies of six rays radiating the Buddha Siddharta (Buddharasmi) in blue which means bhakti; yellow connotes wisdom and knowledge; red which means compassion and mercy; white connotes sacred; orange means enterprising; and mixture of the fifth ray.
The spread of Buddhism
The Buddha gave a lesson about the dharma to the five ascetics at the Deer Park
After attaining enlightenment, ascetic Gautama earned perfection, among others: Gautama Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha, the Tathagata ('He Who Has Come', He That Has Go '), Sugata (' Who is aware of '), Lord (' the Great ') and so on. The five ascetics in the forest who accompanied Uruwela He was the first disciple of the Buddha's first sermon to listen Dhammacakka Pavattana, where he explained about the Middle Way found him, which include Glory Road Segment Eight initial sermon describing the "Four Noble Truths".
Gautama Buddha traveled to spread the Dharma for forty-five years old to humanity with full of love and compassion, until finally reaching the age of 80 years, when he realized that three months more he would reach Parinibbana.
The Buddha in sickness lying between two sala trees in Kusinagara, gave a sermon last Dharma to his students, then Parinibbana (version Mahayana Buddhism, 486 BC on the 15th day of the 2nd month of the Lunar calendar. Version WFB in May, 543 BC).
The nature of the Great Buddha
The Buddha before Parinirwana.
A Buddha has the properties of Love (Maitri, or metta) and Compassion (karuna). Love and Compassion of a Buddha is not limited by time and always timeless, having been there and radiates the first time since human beings are born in the circle of samsara wheel of life caused by ignorance or stupidity he thought. Way to achieve Buddhahood is to eliminate ignorance or delusion possessed by humans. At the time of Prince Siddhartha left the worldly life, he has pledged Four Prasetya based on Love and Compassion are not limited to, namely
Trying to help all beings.
Reject all worldly desires.
Learn, appreciate and practice the Dharma.
Trying to reach enlightenment.
Gautama Buddha first trained themselves to perform good deeds to all creatures with ten refrain from actions caused by the body, speech and mind, namely
Body (rich): murder, theft, acts jinah.
Speech (profession): fraud, talks slander, coarse pronunciation, conversation no benefits.
The mind (citta): craving, ill will and belief is wrong.
Loving kindness and compassion of a Buddha is the love for the happiness of all beings as parents love their children, and expect the highest terlimpah blessing to them. However, for those who suffer very heavy or dark in a state of mind, the Buddha will give special attention. With His Love, the Buddha suggested that they walk on the right path and they will be guided in the fight against crime, to be achieved "enlightenment".
As the Buddha is eternal, He has to know everyone and by using various ways he has tried to alleviate the suffering of all beings. Gautama Buddha fully aware of the nature of the world, but he never wanted to say that the world is genuine or false, good or bad. He only shows about the state of the world as it is. Gautama Buddha taught that each person maintains the roots of wisdom according to the character, actions and beliefs of each. He not only taught through speech, but also through deeds. Although the physical shape of his body no end, but in teaching mankind the desire eternal life, he uses the path of liberation from birth and death to awaken their attention.
Gautama Buddha devotion has made himself capable of overcoming the various problems on the various occasions which is essentially the Dharma-kaya, which is the true state of the intrinsic nature of a Buddha. The Buddha is the symbols of purity, the purest of all that is holy. Therefore, the Buddha is a great Dharma King. He can preach to everyone, whenever He wills. The Buddha preached the Dharma, but often there is the ear of the ignorant because of their greed and hatred, do not want to pay attention and listen to his sermons. For those who listened to his preaching, which can understand and appreciate the nature and practice of the Great Buddha will be free from the suffering of life. They will not be helped simply because it relies on its own intelligence.
Form and the presence of the Buddha
The Buddha not only can tell by just looking at his form and nature merely because the form and nature of the outside is not the true Buddha. The right path to find the Buddha is the path to free themselves from earthly things / to live an ascetic way. True Buddha can not be seen by human eye, so the nature of the Great Buddha can not be described in words. But Buddha can manifest Himself in any way with the all noble nature. If someone can see the obvious manifestation of his or understand nature of the Great Buddha, but not being attracted to him or his nature, he is actually who have had the wisdom to see and know the true Buddha.