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Adnan Buyung Nasution |
Adnan Buyung Nasution or Bahrum Nasution (born in Batavia (now Jakarta), July 20, 1934, age 77 years) was one of the senior lawyers in Indonesia. In addition he is also an activist since his youth until now. One such organization is the establishment of the Legal Aid Institute (LBH).
Adnan Buyung Nasution Biography
Adnan Buyung Nasution born in Jakarta, July 20, 1934. His life is quite full of challenges. Since childhood, the age of twelve, with his younger Buyung only Samsi Nasution had to be street vendors selling odds and ends at Market Kranggan, Yogyakarta. In the market of that, his mother, Ramlah Dougur selling cendol Lubis. Meanwhile, his father, R. Rachmat Nasution, guerrilla against the Netherlands in Clash II in 1947-1948. "It's tough times. We only ate tiwul, unable to buy rice," he said as quoted by the print media.
Since childhood, he makes his father as a role model. "He's a warrior, the way was not picky. She defended Republican guerrillas. His clear, antipenjajahan in any form," said Buyung about his father. Buyung pride of reason. His father was a true warrior figure: not only fought for the guerrillas, but also through the information. Rahmad Nasution was one of the founders of the news agency Reuters and the Sovereignty of the People's Daily. He was also a pioneer berdirnya English daily The Times of Indonesia. "He's become a kind of character for me," said Buyung again.
Apparently, Buyung also do not want to miss the fight of his father in the matter. When the junior high school in Yogyakarta, he joined Mopel (Student Mobilization) and protesting the establishment of schools in Yogyakarta NICA. He joined the school damage and throwing the school teachers.
Indeed, since childhood, Buyung talented activists in sight. When I was in high school Affairs Jakarta, he had become Chairman of the Youth Branch of the Association of Indonesian Students (IPPI). Later, he resigned and dissolved the organization as it begins to get the smell of the PKI and carry the name of the International Union of Student (IUS) is leftist.
Graduated from high school, moved to London and Buyung register at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), majoring in Civil Engineering. There he was active in Bandung Student Association. But it only lasted a year at ITB, then moved to the Joint Faculty of Law, Economics, and Social Politics, University of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. No longer in situ, in 1957 he moved to the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
Baccalaureate graduation, he went to college, he worked as a prosecutor at the Special State Prosecutor Jakarta. Despite a prosecutor, but as an activist spirit does not fade. When he was set up at once became Executive Chairman of the Movement Ampera. In addition, he also became a member of the Command Action Penggayangan Gestapu. Together with the Indonesian Students Action Unit (WE) he took to the streets to be interrogated by his superiors. Was even laid off for one and a half years suspended from his job as an alias prosecutor. He was not given and not given a desk job in the office. Pitcher accused of counterrevolutionary, anti-Political Manifesto.
Then he got a letter to move the task to Manado. Funnily enough, he was placed in Medan. Somehow, Buyung not squeak with the move. Finally, in 1968, leaving clothes Buyung prosecutors. In addition, he is also in the recall of the DPR / MPR. About a year later he was unemployed form a Legal Aid Institute, Jakarta. To support the work of Legal Aid, Buyung opened an office lawyer (advocate). One-way, two of them developed. His lawyer's office is one of the best law firm in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the Legal Aid - and then became YLBHI and charge-LBH LBH - also grew up and became known as the locomotive of democracy.
LBH is a matter of establishing Buyung have an interesting story. When he became a prosecutor and convene in remote areas, he saw people who just resigned to accept a defendant of the charges upon him. From there, he thought, the little people who are blind laws that need to be helped. "What we want to uphold the law and justice if his position is not balanced. At that point, I think, someone has to defend them," he said.
But the intention was buried. Then, when the college pitcher University of Melbourne, Australia, he saw that the country's existing legal aid. That made him aware that legal aid is no pattern, model, and its shape. in 1969, Buyung back to Indonesia. Then he gave the idea to the head of the Attorney General Soeprapto. Soeprapto was praising the idea, but he considers not time to be realized. Saati pitcher realized it did not support that idea.
He could only merealisaskani idea formed after he left the Legal Aid attorney. At first the idea was made to Professor Sumitro and Mochtar Lubis. Apparently, Sumitro and Mochtar quite enthusiastically supported the idea. However, Sumitro Buyung suggested that advocates for open office Buyung must somehow make ends meet. But before Sumitro could help, he was appointed as minister of trade trigger.
Furthermore, Buyung a license to practice revoked the advocate had met the Minister of Justice Prof. Oemar Seno Adjie to consult on the idea. Apparently the minister pack also supports but suggested Buyung be used to make a legal advocate. Without a complicated process, even getting permission Buyung advocates, and law firm to open office. Do not forget, he also invited a few friends on the staff, such as Nono Anwar Makarim, Mari'e Muhammad (former Minister of Finance). The office was then developed.
Then, start preparing the establishment of Legal Aid Buyung. He began to approach with a few lawyers to socialize the idea. Pitcher does not want any obstacles to realize his ideas. You see, according to Buyung, in some countries LBH despised by his lawyers. But thanks, he did not have any bumps. Congress participants PERADIN (Indonesian Advocate Association), especially Yap Thiam Hien and Lukman Wiryadinata (former Minister of Justice), fully supports the idea.
Pitcher is also engaging with the government. He met Ali Moertopo which time it became a personal assistant to President Suharto and explain his ideas as he asked for his ideas to the President, if the president agrees or not. Apparently not long, he called and got the news that Suharto agreed with the idea. In fact, when the opening of the LBH he got 10 scooters from the government.
In addition to central government, local government approached Buyung also DKI Jakarta. He met Ali Sadikin, who was a governor. Apparently, Ali is also one sound with another. In fact, the support is not Ali as a person, but the local government of Jakarta. Because it supports, then the LBH was born on October 28, 1970. Pitcher was featured as the first leader of LBH.
However, there is one thing that not much is known of the brother, none other than his name. It turns out the real name Adnan Bahrum Buyung Nasution. "My real name is Adnan in the birth certificate Bahrum Nasution," said Buyung once told Compass. College, even when married name is still written Bahrum Adnan Nasution. Only did he not write the full name: Adnan Bahrum Nasution, but Adnan B. Nasution.
But his friends like to call Buyung. Gluing Buyung name in the middle of his name that occurs when completing his studies at the Faculty of Law University of Indonesia in 1964. At that time there are often administrative officer heard the greeting Buyung against the brother, just write the full name of Adnan B. Nasution as Adnan quoted. The name was later known by many people.
1981-1983: Chairman of the YLBHI
1977: Chairman of the DPP PERADIN
1970-1986: Director / Chairman of the Legal Aid Board
1969-present: Advocates / Legal Consultants & Associates Buyung
1966-1968: Member of the DPRS / MPRS
1957-1968: Attorney / Attorney General's Head of Public Relations