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Plato |
Plato (Greek: Πλάτων) (born about 427 BC - died about 347 BC) was a Greek philosopher and mathematician, and founder of the Platonic Academy in Athens, the first high-school level in the western world. He was a pupil of Socrates. Plato was much influenced by Socrates. Plato was the teacher of Aristotle. His most famous work is the Republic (Greek Politeia Πολιτεία or "country") that contains an outline description of his views on the state of "ideal". He also wrote the 'Law' and a lot of dialogue in which Socrates is a participant utama.Salah Plato's famous parable is a parable about the man in Plato scribend gua.Cicero say est mortuus (Plato died while writing).
Ancient Greek philosopher Plato undoubtedly the forerunner of Western political philosophers as well dedengkot their ethical thinking and metaphysics. Its opinions in this field has been more widely read than 2300 years. Needless to say, Plato as the father of fathers resident of Western thinkers,
Plato was born of the family of the famous Athens circa 427 BC. In his teens he became acquainted with famous philosopher Socrates who became teachers and companions. The year 399 BC, when Socrates was seventy years old, he was dragged into court with baseless accusations do jerk and deprave the young Athenian. Socrates was condemned, sentenced to death. Execution of Socrates - Plato called "the wisest, terjujur, best of all men I ever knew" - make Plato hated democratic government.
Shortly after the death of Socrates, Plato left Athens and during the ten-twelve years of wandering to where the foot carries.
Around the year 387 BC he returned to Athens, founded the college there, an academy which runs more than 900 years. Plato spent the rest of his life of forty years in Athens, teaching and writing philosophy particulars. Famous disciple, Aristotle, who finished college student at the age of seventeen, while Plato's time had stepped on the age of sixty years. Plato's eyes close at the age of seventy.
Plato wrote no less than thirty-six books, mostly related to political and ethical issues in addition to metaphysics and theology. Of course impossible to summarize the contents of any book in just a few sentences. However, the risk of simplifying his thoughts, I would also try to summarize the main points presented in a idea politiknya.yang famous book, Republican, representing his thoughts about the ideal form of society thinks.
The best form of a government, Plato suggested, is a government that is held by the aristocracy. What is meant here rather than aristocratic aristocrats who measured the quality of the dose, the government is driven by the son of the best and wisest in the land. These people should be elected not by people but by voting with the decision process. People who have become members of the ruling or the so-called "guardian" must add to equal those solely on the basis of quality considerations.
Plato believed that for everyone, whether he is male or female, must be provided the opportunity to show his skill as a member of the "guardian". Plato was the first major philosopher, and for a long time in fact it is only he, who proposed the equality of opportunity regardless of gender. To prove the equality provision of the occasion, Plato suggested that the growth and education of children is managed by the state. Children must first obtain a thorough physical exercise, but in terms of music, mathematics and other academic discipline should not be overlooked. At some stage, extensive tests must be conducted. Those who are less advanced must diaalurkan to participate and engage in economic activities, while those who have developed and continue to receive training gemblengan. The addition of this education should include not only the usual academic subjects, but also steeped in the philosophy that by examining the doctrine of Plato is the ideal form of metaphysical ideology.
At the age of thirty-five years, these people who had been completely convinced able to demonstrate mastery in the field of basic theories, must undergo additional training again for fifteen years, which must include working for practical experience. Only people who are able to show that they could realize in a real work of studying the books can be classified into "guardian class." Moreover, only those who clearly can. showed that the main interest is to serve the interests of society that could be accepted into. "Guardian class."
Membership guardian is not in itself attract public attention. Therefore, the guardian is not so much to get money. They have allowed only a limited amount of personal property and must not have any land for his private home. They receive a certain salary and fixed (it was in an amount not how), and not allowed to have gold or silver. Members of the guardian are not allowed to have a separate family place, they have to eat together, have a couple together. Rewards for-frontman frontman philosophers instead of wealth, but the satisfaction in serving the public interest. That is summarily an ideal republic by Plato.
Republic widely read for centuries. But it should be noted, the political system advocated in it has never actually practiced as a model for any government. During the period between the time of Plato until now, most European countries adopted the system of the kingdom. In recent centuries some countries adopt democratic forms of government. There is also a system of military rule, or under a tyrannical demagogue such as Hitler and Mussolini. None of these governments have a resemblance to Plato's ideal republic. Plato's theory had never been an adherence to any political party, or so base as well as political movements occur in the teachings of Karl Marx, if so we may conclude that the work of Plato, although discussed with respect, entirely aside the actual practice? I think not.
It is true, none of the civilian government in Europe was based on the model of Plato directly. However, there are remarkable similarities between the position of the Catholic church in the middle of the century Europe "guardian class" Plato. The medieval Catholic Church consists of the elites who defend themselves so as not to wilt and marginalized, whose members received formal philosophical exercises. In principle, all men, no matter where their origin can be chosen into the clergy (though not for women). Also, in principle, the priests had no family and was directed solely so that they focus on their own group, rather than lust majesty praised.
The role of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union there are also comparing it with the "guardian class" in Plato's ideal republic he had. Here too we find that all elite group trained by the official philosophy.
Plato also affect the structure of the United States government. Many members of the American constitutional convention knew and was familiar with Plato's political ideas. He meant, of course, that the Constitution of the United States opened the possibility to explore and influence the will of the people. And also desirable as a means of selecting people who are the wisest and best to govern the country.
Difficulty of determining the significance of Plato's influence throughout the period - although broad and diffuse - is complicated and is not directly exposed. In addition to his political theory, the discussion in the field of ethics and metaphysics has influenced many philosophers who came later. If Plato was placed on the order of Aristotle's slightly lower than the current list, it is mainly because Aristotle was not only a philosopher but also an important scientist. Instead, the placement of higher order than Plato thinkers like John Locke, Thomas Jefferson and Voltaire, is due to the writings of his political influence world affairs in the long period of just two or three centuries, while Plato has a range of more than twenty-three centuries.
Distinctive Works by Plato
Be the Socratic
In the works written in his youth, Plato always show personality and a bouquet of Socrates as the main topic of his essay.
Shaped dialog
Almost all of Plato's dialogues are written in the tone. In Letter VII, Plato argues that the pen and ink to freeze real thought written in the silent letters. Therefore, he argues, if it thought it should be written, then the most suitable is written in the form of dialogue.
The existence of myths
Plato used myths to explain the doctrine of abstract and adiduniawi
Verhaak characterize the writings of Plato into the literature rather than to the scientific work systematically for the last two characteristics, namely, in his writings and myths contained in the form of dialogue.
Plato's view of the ideas, the World Ideas and the sensory world
Plato's most important contribution is his view of the idea. Plato's view of the ideas influenced by Socrates' view of the definition. Idea is meant by Plato is not meant by the idea that modern man. Modern people think the idea is an idea or a response that is in the mind alone. In Plato's ideas are not created by human thought. Idea is not dependent on human thought, but the human mind which depends on the idea. [4] Idea is the image of the subject and the premiere of the reality, nonmaterial, eternal, and unchanging. Idea already exists outside and independent of our thinking .. These ideas are related to each other. For example, the idea of two paintings can not be separated from the idea of two, two ideas alone can not separate the idea even. However, in the end there is the highest peak in the relationship between these ideas. This peak is called the idea of "beautiful". This idea goes beyond any existing idea.
Sensory world
Sensory world is a world that includes physical objects are concrete, which can be perceived by our five senses sensory kita.Dunia is nothing but the reflection or shadow than ideal world. Always there is a change in this sensory world. Everything contained in this mortal physical world, can be damaged, and may die.
Idea world
World of ideas is the world's only open to our reason. [In this world nothing changes, all ideas are eternal and unchangeable. There is only one idea "good", "beautiful". In the world everything is so perfect idea. [2] It is not just referring to the rough stuff that can be held, but also the concepts of mind, the fruits of intellectual . Let's say that the concept of "virtue" and "truth".
Plato's views about Art and Beauty
Plato's views about the work of Mon
Plato's view of art is influenced by his views on the idea of His attitude towards art is very clear in his Politeia (Republic). Plato's negative view of art. [5] He considered works of art as mimesis mimesos. According to Plato, art is an imitation of the reality that there is an imitation ada.Realita (mimesis) of the original. The original is contained in the idea. The idea is far superior, better, and more beautiful than the real thing.
Plato's view of beauty
Plato's understanding of beauty is influenced his understanding of the sensory world, contained in the Philebus. Plato argues that the real beauty lies in the world of ideas. He argues that simplicity is the hallmark of beauty, both in the universe and in the work seni.Namun, still, beauty is in the universe is only apparent and is a beauty beauty on a lower level.