Carl Rogers Biography-Psychology experts from the United States

Carl Rogers Biography

Born January 8, 1902
Oak Park, Illinois, United States

Died February 4, 1987
San Diego, California, United States

Citizens of the United States


Institution Ohio State University
University of Chicago
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Alma mater University of Wisconsin-Madison
Teachers College, Columbia University

Known for human-centered approach (eg, client-centered therapy, student-centered learning)

Appreciation Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology (1956, APA) Award for Distinguished Contributions to Applied Psychology as a Professional Practice (1972, APA); 1964 Humanist of the Year (American Humanist Association)

Carl Rogers was a renowned psychologist with a clinical therapeutic approach based on the client (client centered). Rogers and his theory with his experience as a therapist for many years. Rogers' theory is similar to Freud's approach, but essentially different from Freud Rogers because Rogers assumes that people are basically good or healthy. In other words, Rogers looked at mental health as a process of development of natural life, while], crime, and other humanitarian issues is seen as a deviation from the natural tendency.

Rogers' theory is based on a "life force" called the actualizing tendency. [Actualizing tendency is defined as a blend of motivation within each living being and aims to develop its full potential to the maximum extent possible. This living being is not only aimed at only survive, but to get what is best for this sole thrust keberadaannya.Dari, emerging desires or impulses mentioned by other psychologists, such as the need for air, water, and food, the need for security and love, and so forth.

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