Biography of William Soeryadjaya - Founder of PT Astra International

William Soeryadjaya is the founder of PT Astra International, a hardworking, tenacious and never give up to build a business empire tycoon bisnisnya.Bagaimanakah travel stories eminent merchant Majalengka child named Genuine Tjia Kian Liong it? Dilakoni business man born in Majalengka, West Java, December 20, 1922, it actually begins with a bitter, bitter. William had been orphaned at the age of 12 years. The age of 19 years, his school in MULO, Cirebon, broke up in the middle of the road. He then swerved into a paper merchant in Cirebon.

In addition to paper trade, William Young also sells yarn in Majalaya. Not so long ago, he switched to traders of agricultural products, such as peanut oil, rice, and sugar. "By trade, I can help my brothers life," said the second of five children of this merchant family, at one time.

From the acquisition of the trade, the young William then continued his studies to the Dutch, by going into Middlebare Vakschool V / d Leder & Schoen Industrie Waalwijk, schools that teach the leather tanning industry. Once returned to the country in 1949, William founded the leather tanning industry, which kepengurusannya he submit to a friend. Three years later, William founded the CV Sanggabuana, engaged in trading and import-export. Just cilakanya, in the business, he deceived his colleagues. "My loss of millions of DM," says William.

Five years later, or more precisely in 1957, along with Drs Tjia Kian Tie, sister, and Lim Peng Hong, his friend, William established PT Astra International Inc.. This new business was at first only engaged in the marketing of soft drinks brand Prem Club, then added by exporting agricultural products. In subsequent developments, arable land extends to the business sector astra automotive, heavy equipment, office equipment, timber, and so on. Astra grow like a "shade tree", as William ditamsilkan own.

The success of Astra when it was, acknowledged William, not apart thanks to the wisdom of the New Order government, which provides cool air to the business community to develop. One example in 1968-1969, the Astra is allowed to supply 800 Chevrolet brand trucks. Incidentally, when the government was having a massive rehabilitation program. So many in need, the vehicle hit the truck was like hot cakes. Especially, when it does rise in the dollar exchange rate, from Rp 141 to Rp 378
per U.S. dollar.

"You can imagine how our advantage," said Oom Willem, her nickname, at the time. Since then, the Astra is often designated as partners with the government in providing various means of development.

In subsequent trips, the Astra is not only limited supply, but also began to assemble his own Chevrolet trucks. Then, mengageni and assemble heavy machinery, Komatsu, Toyota, and Daihatsu, Honda motorcycles, and Xerox copiers. The next one also, finally lands a new business is a "money machine" of PT Astra International Inc..

There remains one other ongoing business, namely agribusiness. Astra a turnover in 1984 reached 1.5 billion U.S. dollars into agro-business by opening a coconut farm area of ​​15,000 hectares and casava in Lampung. However, open it for no reason Astra went into the agribusiness sector. "Agribusiness who seek to increase production in the agricultural sector it is an idea worthy of government responded walks of Indonesian entrepreneurs," William said in his lecture at Parahyangan Catholic University in 1984.

In that year also bought the Summa Handels Ag Astra, Deulsdorf, Germany. Management of banks that had nothing to do with business Astra was left to his eldest son, Edward Soeryadjaya, graduate economics graduate of West Germany.

In this bank William pocketed 60 percent of shares are divided equally with Edward. But, unfortunately, Edward less careful in running the bank's business. Edward was too generous in indulgence of credit. As a result, in 1992, this bank is so large debt-stricken and to pay it off, William was forced off its stake in Astra.

William resigned. He always returned to God. He always adhered to the principle: Man tried, God disposes. The most important thing to him when it is the fate of the employees and customers of Bank Summa. He was greatly saddened to imagine that many employees have lost their livelihoods. Therefore he was willing to sell off its stake in Astra to meet the obligations of the Bank Summa.

A lot of speculation that develops when Oom Willem forced to sell its stake in Astra. Speculation that a lot of people are believed to bring down the government engineered Oom Willem. However, Oom Willem himself never felt victimized by the system. All were regarded as a consequence of business. He did not want to dissolve in the pressure of speculation and complaints. But he was resigned to the will of God sincerely. With the same sincerity, he continues to move forward with lively hope. And, now, one of the biggest concerns is how the Astra can continue to act as an agent of national economic growth, which among others can open up wider job opportunities.

Indeed, job opportunities, is one of the dreams that still smoldering from the past until now. A dream and an obsession that is based on concern for others. "One of my first desire is to create jobs," he said. Moreover, the current condition of Indonesia, the economic crisis, which resulted in increased unemployment.

Dream is what drives Omm Wilem buy 10 million shares of PT Mandiri Intifinance. Here, he raised funds to be invested into the development of small farmers and small and medium enterprises (small businesses and medium enterprises). In order to create jobs, new jobs and increase purchasing power, which in turn will lift this nation from the downturn.

However, exemplary of the attitude of William during his heyday in the Astra is a concern for his colleague, the small businessman. In his writings on a daily Suara Karya, "The Role of Employers Large In Cooperation with the Small Business Success for Pelita IV", explores the forms of cooperation between large and small. For example, large companies as market making of small firms in the form of leadership and being a small company as part of the service network of the company's products.

His other, which is also enviable, is the concern for education. William gave up his land in Cilandak, South Jakarta, was sold for "tilt" to the Institute building Prasetya Mulya, educational institutions that are intended to print personnel managers are reliable. Some conglomerates also gave birth to the institution. William himself was then sitting as a Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

Any religious attitude is one good example in running the business. Protestants who firmly believes that true success is obtained, in addition to her hard work with all employees, also thanks to the grace of God, not just from him.

His enthusiasm in taking any business should be a role model. If he terjegal in the business arena, it is not the end of his business trips, but rather the beginning of his resurrection.
William Soeryadjaya, the founder of PT Astra International Inc. (since 1990, Tbk), died on Friday (2/4/2010) at 22:43 at Medistra Hospital, South Jakarta. William previously treated multiple times because of illness. Finally, he was treated since March 10 and Thursday (1/4/2010) treated in the intensive care unit (ICU). The bodies buried in a funeral home Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Central Jakarta, until Monday (5/4/2010).

William, who was born in Majalengka, West Java, December 20, 1922, is a humble person and earthy. Astra International to build its success has never been claimed as a success of himself. When asked about his success, he says, "The success of Astra thanks to the hard work of all employees and the grace of God, not because of my personal success."

William was also a visionary who seemed to understand where the business will move. He also is one of the pioneers of the modernization of the national automotive industry. He built a business network with the core product in the automotive sector. But, indeed, the growth of its business is never free from government interference.

His success in business makes him occupy many important positions in several companies, mainly based automotive.

William became the first Asian to become a member of the Board of Trustees of The Asia Society was founded John D. Rockefeller III in New York, USA, 1956. He withdrew from the business world in 1992 when the Bank Summa's son, Edward, collapse and must be liquidated so that forced him to release 100 million shares of Astra International to pay off its obligations. He died at the age of 78 years, exactly on Friday (2/4/2010).

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