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Ban Ki-moon |
Ban Ki-moon; born in Eumseong, North Chungcheong, Korea, the Japanese Empire, June 13, 1944, age 67 years) is a South Korean diplomat and Secretary General of the United Nations today. He replaces Kofi Annan who has completed his term on January 1, 2007.
Ban served as foreign minister of the Republic of Korea in the period January 2004 to 1 November 2006. On October 13, 2006, he was elected Secretary General of the United Nations General Assembly on the eighth and was sworn in on December 14, 2006. On June 21, 2011, Ban was elected to run the second period as the Secretary General of the United Nations through the General Assembly for a term of 2012 to 2016.
Ban was born in Eumseong in a small village in North Chungcheong, in 1944 at the end of Japanese colonialism in Korea. He and his family moved to a small town where he grew up near Chungju disana.Selama his childhood, his father Ban has a warehousing business, but the warehouse is bankrupt and his family suffered economic hardship. When Ban was six years old, his family moved to the mountains during the Korean War. After the war, his family returned to Chungju.
In high school (SMA Chungju), Ban became a star pupil, especially in English class. In 1952, he was selected to represent his class to send a message to UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld, but have never known if the message is sent or not. In 1962, Ban won an essay writing contest sponsored by the Red Cross to win a trip to the United States. There he lived in San Francisco along with a guest family for several bulan.Sebagai part of the prize trip, Ban met U.S. President John F. Kennedy. When a journalist who was in the location of the meeting Ban interviewed about what he wants to do when becoming an adult, he replied: "I want to become a diplomat.
Ban Ban won earned his bachelor's degree in International Relations from Seoul National University in 1970 and earned a Masters degree in Public Administration from the School of Government John F. Kennedy at Harvard University in 1985. At Harvard, he studied under Joseph Nye who knew upbringing Ban as having "a rare combination of clear analysis, humility and protective attitude. Ban was awarded honorary doctorates in the field of law by the University of Malta on 22 April 2009. He then also awarded Doctor of Laws by the University of Washington in October 2009. In addition to the Korean language as a native language, he was also able to speak English, French, Japanese, and German. However, his fluency in French, a language that hinted at as a compulsory language controlled by the UN Secretary General, is still doubtful.
Ban Ki-moon met Yoo Soon-taek in 1962 when they became high school students. 18-year-old tires, and Yoo Soon-taek is vice chairman of the organization's high school student. Ban Ki-moon married Yoo Soon-taek in 1971. They have three children: two girls and one male-female laki.Anak eldest, Seon-yong (born 1972) worked for the Korea Foundation in Seoul. Son of man - brother, Woo-hyun (born 1974) received an MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management at the University of California, Los Angeles and worked for an investment firm in New York. The most small daughter, Hyun-hee (born 1976), is a field supervisor for UNICEF in Nairobi, Kenya. After his election as Secretary General, Ban became an icon in the city where he lives where his extended family lived. Around 50,000 people gathered at a football field in Chungju to celebrate the election results. A few months after his election, thousands of practitioners of feng shui to visit his village to find out how the village could produce such an important person Ban.
The tire itself is not a member of any church or religious group, and he refused to explain in detail about his beliefs: "Now, as Secretary-General, not the right time to discuss my beliefs associated with any religion or God. So maybe we will discuss about personal problems at other opportunities. " Ban own mother reportedly Buddhists.
In South Korea's Foreign Ministry, called Ban-Ban as jusa, meaning "the Bureaucrat" or "administrative personnel". The name was used for the purpose of positive and negative: Ban praised for attention to the detail and administrative skills while mocking to show a lack of charisma and the attitude of excessive obedience to his superiors. Korean media corps called it "a cunning eel" for his ability to avoid the question. The carriage itself is often described using the "Confucian approach.
After graduating from university, Ban won the highest number in the test Korea's foreign ministry. He joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of South Korea in May 1970 and his career continued to climb during the Yusin Constitution.
The first placement abroad is in New Delhi, India where the tires to work as vice consul and attract the attention of many superiors in the foreign ministry with competence, Ban reportedly prefer to receive a placement in India compared to the United States, because in India it can be save money and send more money to his family. then occupy the post at the United Nations Division at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1974, Ban received his first shipment to the United Nations, as First Secretary at the Permanent Observer Mission of the Republic of Korea (South Korea became a full member of the United Nations on 17 September 1991). After the assassination of Park Chung-hee in 1979, Ban took over the post Division Director at the United Nations.
In 1980, Ban became director for the Bureau of United Nations Treaties and International Organizations based in Seoul. He has placed twice in the Korean Embassy in Washington DC. Between the two publishing this, he served as Director General for American Affairs in 1990-1992. He was later promoted to Deputy Minister for Policy Planning and International Organizations in 1995. Later he was appointed National Security Adviser to the President in 1996, and served as Deputy Minister in 2000. The most recent placement was as Foreign Policy Advisor to President Roh Moo-hyun.
When the ambassador to Austria, he was elected as Chairman of the Preparatory Commission for the Test-Ban Treaty Organization Comprehensive Nuclear trial (CTBTO PrepCom) in 1999. When it was Korea's turn served as chairman of the 56th Session of UN General Assembly in 2001, he served as Chef de Cabinet of the Chairman of the General Assembly.
South Korean Foreign Minister
In 2004, Ban replaced Yoon Young-kwan as the Foreign Minister of South Korea under the leadership of President Roh Moo-hyun. At the beginning of his term, Ban faced two major crises: In June 2004, Kim Sun-il, a Korean translator in Iraq was kidnapped and killed by extremist groups, and in December 2004, many South Koreans who died in the tsunami in the Indian Ocean . Its popularity rose after talks with North Korea making progress. Ban actively involved in issues related to inter-Korean relations. On September 2005, as foreign minister, Ban plays an important role in diplomatic efforts to adopt a Joint Statement in solving the North Korea nuclear issue on the fourth round of six-party talks held in Beijing, People's Republic of China.
Nomination as UN chief
On February 2006, Ban declared his candidacy to replace Kofi Annan as UN Secretary General in late 2006. This is the first time a South Korea stand in the elections office.
In the campaign as a candidate for Secretary-General, Ban made a number of speeches at the Asia Society and the International Relations Council in New York.Selain must have the support of the diplomatic community, Ban also must pass a veto which may be given to him by the five permanent Security Council members: PRC, France, Russia, United Kingdom and the United States. Popular tires in Washington with South Korea's policy of sending troops to Iraq. But Ban also against some U.S. policy: he gave his support to the International Criminal Court and requested that a confrontational approach is not the case with North Korea. Ban said during his campaign that he would make a visit to North Korea to meet personally with Kim Jong -il. Ban is seen as someone who is cold, in contrast to Kofi Annan who is judged to have charisma but weak in managing emerging issues such as the vegetable oil procurement program for Iraq.
Ban also struggled to get approval from the French. Its official biography notes that he was able to speak English and French, the two main languages used in the UN secretariat. He has repeatedly given trouble answering questions by reporters in Perancis.Dalam a press conference on January 11, 2007, he stated that "my French perhaps could be improved, and I will keep trying to fix it. I have been taking French lessons in a few months. I think, although my French is not good, I'll keep beruaha learn.
With the imminent election of the Secretary-General, Ban criticism as a representative of South Korea is increasing. Some of the articles written that Ban has met with all members of the Security Council in its role as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade for support through a cooperative agreement with the state of trade - European nations and promises to provide aid to countries - developing countries.
According to The Washington Post, "the other candidate has expressed his frustration to South Korea, which is the eleventh largest economy in the world because it has used its economic influence to strengthen the candidature Ban." For this statement, Ban responded by saying that
"" As an aspiring leader, I knew that I would be the target of the process being observed by many of these interests and I am a person who holds integrity.
Ban occupy the top spot on every time the polls conducted by the UN Security Council on July 24, 14 September and 28 September. In the second poll, he received 14 votes "exciting" and a vote "disappointing". The Australian reported that a disappointed voice came from Qatar, which implies that the tires have the support of the five permanent Security Council members have the right to veto candidates. In the third poll, Ban encouraging gained 13 votes, one vote Yeng disappointing, and one vote "no opinion". It is unclear whether the 13 supporters this time include the five permanent Security Council members.
The fourth poll conducted on October 2. Poll this time are color coded to distinguish between voice and non-permanent members remain. In the final vote informally held on October 2 in the Security Council, Ban received fourteen votes are expressly agree and one abstention from the UN Security Council members. One abstention provided by the Japanese delegation who opposed the idea of a Korean national to occupy the role of the Secretary-General. Huge support to Ban by all members of the UN Security Council, Japan finally supports Ban to reduce controversy. Other things more important, Ban was the only candidate who avoided a veto, the other candidates received at least one "no" vote by Council members Keamanan.Setelah election, Shashi Tharoor, who were second and then withdraw from the race dirinya.dan Permanent Representative of the PRC to the UN told the media that "everything has been explained by the vote today that Ban Ki-Moon is a candidate to be recommended by the Security Council to the General Assembly.
On October 9, the UN Security Council formally nominated Ban as new UN Secretary-General. This decision is yet to be confirmed by the United Nations General Assembly will meet at the end of 2006. On October 13, the 192-member General Assembly endorsed the Secretary-General Ban.
The office of Secretary-General
When Ban became Secretary-General, in 2007, The Economist makes a list of challenges to his face: "the growing nuclear threat in Iran and North Korea, the conflict in Darfur, the violence that was never finished in the Middle East, the threat of natural disasters, the increasing threat international terrorism, developing weapons of mass destruction, the spread of HIV / AIDS and some other things like business giant that never runs out of the effort to reform the UN history. Previously, Kofi Annan told the Trygve Lie, first Secretary-General, he left a message to his successor, Dag Hammarskjöld, "You will take over the most important job in the world.
On January 23, 2007 Ban began working as the eighth UN Secretary-General. The term of office as Secretary-General Ban begins with a surprise. On January 2, 2007, the initial meeting with the press as the Secretary-General, he refused to impose the death penalty to Saddam Hussein by the Iraqi High Tribunal. Ban statement contradicts the long-term agreement on the rejection of the UN death penalty as a human rights interests. He quickly clarified his statement in the case of Barzan al-Tikriti and Awad al-Bandar, the two principal officers were convicted for the death of 148 Shiite Muslims in the village of Dujail, Iraq in the 1980s. In a statement through his spokesman on January 6, he "strongly urged the Iraqi government to give them a stay of execution to be executed in the near future.] In a broader issue, he told an audience in Washington, DC that he encourages "emerging global trends in the set of the international community, international law and policies to attract domestic as well as the habit gradually death penalty policy.
In early January, Mr. Ban pointed to several important members of his cabinet. Asha-Rose Migiro, professor and foreign ministers from Tanzania was chosen to serve as Deputy Secretary-General - an exciting regeneration for African diplomats because they did not lose his deputy after Annan is no longer in office.
Deputy Secretary-General's office is filled by the Management Alicia Bárcena Ibarra of Mexico. Bárcena previously worked as chief of staff under the leadership of Annan. Ban considered his appointment by some as criticism and indications that are not expected to make major changes in the UN bureaucracy.Ban appointed Sir John Holmes, United Kingdom Ambassador to France, as Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator.
At first, Ban said that he would delay making other appointments to the first round of the UN reform program implemented, but then he ignores this idea after receiving kritik.Pada February, he went on his promise, chose B. Lynn Pascoe, U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia, the Deputy Secretary-General for political affairs. Jean-Marie Guehenno, the French diplomat who has worked in the period Annan as Under-Secretary-General for peacekeeping operations maintained its position. Ban chose Vijay K. Nambiar as chief of staff.
Promise to put more women in the office is seen as an important campaign promise realized by Ban. For one year as Secretary-General, the main and important positions held by women more than the period - the time before. Although not appointed by Ban, President of the General Assembly, Haya Rashed Al-Khalifa, became the third woman to hold that position in the history of the United Nations.