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Henry Cole |
Graphic Design Leader Henry Cole.
Sir Henry Cole (15 July 1808-18 April 1882) was a civil servant who helps the implementation of various innovations in trade and education in the United Kingdom in the 19th century. Henry Cole began his career when he was aged 15 years working in the Office of Public Records. While serving assistant archivist, he was known as the man who did the update within the organization and promote preservation techniques at the National Archives of the United Kingdom. From years 1837 to 1840, Cole worked as an assistant to Rowland Hill, and helped design the Penny Post system (mailing costs 1 penny).
His name is sometimes referred to as designer Penny Black which is the world's first postage stamp. In 1843, Cole designed the first Christmas cards in the world. Illustration of the card is done named John Callcott Horsley artist.
Industrial design is a personal interest in Cole. By using the pseudonym Felix summerly, the design is embodied in a number of products, including Minton teapot award-winning production. In addition, Henry Cole wrote a children's book series under the pen name Felix summerly, among them a book of stories from The home treasury, A hand-book for the architecture, sculpture, tombs, and decorations of Westminster Abbey (1859), and The most delectable history of Reynard the Fox (illustrated with twenty-four colored pictures by Aldert van Everdingen) (1846). As a member of the Institute for Promotion of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, Cole lobbied the government to support its efforts to promote industrial design standards.
Thanks to the support of Prince Albert, a royal charter issued to the Royal Institute for the Promotion of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (Royal Society of Arts, abbreviated as RSA). With Prince Albert as a patron, in 1847 Cole Manufacturing Exhibition of Art organized the first, and continues to exhibit greater in the next two years (1848 and 1849). In 1849, Cole visited the Paris Exhibition Quinquennial to-11 in Paris. and see at least the participants from abroad. In his opinion, Manufacturing Art Exhibition held in the UK RSA can be expanded into an international exhibition. Scientists figure Inventor - Henry Cole Graphic Design Leaders - Leaders Scientists Inventors Thanks to the support of Queen Victoria, Cole in 1850 founded the Empire Exhibition of 1851, the Committee is the organizer of the new Art Exhibition Manufacturing, with Prince Albert as chairman. Thanks to the efforts Cole, the committee to host the Great Exhibition of Works of Industry of All Nations May 1 through October 15, 1851 at the Crystal Palace, Hyde Park, London. This international exhibition visited by many people and financially rewarding. As a member of the committee, Cole was instrumental in channeling the sum of £ 186,000 as a result of the World Exhibition advantage.
The money is donated to a project to increase arts and science education in the United Kingdom. Purchased a parcel of land in the area of South Kensington was built as a center for a number of educational and cultural institutions. The region has earned the nickname "Albertopolis". Henry Cole was appointed as Chairman of the Applied Arts Department inspectors who founded the government for the improvement of standards of design and art education in Britain. As the official overseer, Cole was instrumental in the development of the Albert and Victoria Museum which was originally founded as the Museum of Ornamental Art in Marlborough House. Cole set to move the museum's current location, as well as the first director (1857-1873) for the museum that was originally called the South Kensington Museum. Residence is located directly opposite the museum, at 33 Thurloe Square is now marked with a blue plaque. Cole was instrumental in building the Kingdom of the Academy of Art graduate school design field. In addition, he also co-founded various institutions in South Kensington, such as the Royal Academy of Music and Royal Academy of London. Department of Mathematics Royal Academy even occupy the building formerly called The Sir Henry Cole (Sir Henry Cole Wing) before the building was donated to the Victoria & Albert Museum.
Awards he received as a successful organizer of the World Exposition is the Order of the Bath (CB) and a knighthood from Queen Victoria in 1875. The media often refer to Cole's "Old King", because it is known as the man who is supported personally by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in particular that always pointed to Cole as the leader of the personal projects like blazes.