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Jim Yong Kim |
Jim Yong Kim Biography
Jim Yong Kim (born December 8, 1959) is a Korean-American doctor and President of The 17 languages from Dartmouth College. He is a former Chairman of the Health Ministry said global and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and a founder and executive director of Partners In Health. ON Date March 2, 2009, Kim was appointed as President of the language from Dartmouth College, the largest position is assumed OS ON On July 1, 2009. Kim is the Date value of Asian-American to assume positions of President at Ivy League institutions.
ON Date March 23, 2012, President Barack Obama announced that the United States will nominate the next President Kim as the language of the World Bank.
Born in Seoul, South Korea in 1959, Jim Yong Kim neglect his family to the gate of the Joint AS THE AGE of five and grew up in Muscatine, Iowa. His father taught dentistry at the University of Iowa, received her Ph.D. degree Corrected in philosophy.Kim attended Muscatine High School, where ia to say farewell speech, the President of his class, and play good quarterback for the football team and point guard on the basketball team. Half a year of taxable income at the University of Iowa, ia negligent gates to Brown University, where graduated magna cum laude dialog Google Search Article AB THE Year 1982. He was awarded an MD from Harvard Medical School language IN the year 1991, and Ph.D. language from Harvard University, according to the Department of Anthropology, in 1993.He is a prayer One applicant Date Value experimental Harvard MD / Ph.D. Program in social science community.
Partners in Health (1987-2003)
Jim Yong Kim, Joint Search Google Articles Paul Farmer, Todd McCormack, Thomas J. White and Ophelia Dahl, founder of One Prayer Partners In Health (PIH) in 1987. Google Looking for Husband organization starts RADIKAL article, The New Public Health Program focuses IN similar: a model approach in Haiti, which is executed based on the needs of Local Care and Training by members of the community to implement them. Mutations IN the 1990s, the program in Haiti The language serves more than 100,000 orangutans.
Husband achieved remarkable success treating infectious diseases Google Search for low cost article, spend $ 150 to $ 200 for the cure of TB patients in their home, the treatment will cost $ 15,000 to $ 20,000 in a U.S. hospital. Kim plays a role in designing the protocol for the Maintenance And cutting Quote cheaper, more effective the drug.
PIH model extended to Peru in 1994. IN 1998, the highly successful results of curing serious diseases Both the General and the World Health Organization's push to embrace the model, and support adaptation INDEX RECOMMENDATIONS Community Care for the Poor in the whole world.
Particular success in treating and multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) asked the International Organization for Eradication efforts dedicate After the disease is presented, and ON June 2002, the World Health Organization adopted a prescription to deal with the disease is almost the same Google Search Articles PIH has used in Peru. Google Looking for a job Kim PIH article to Treating MDR-TB is an effort to Date Value Great timing for Treating the disease in poor countries, and recent efforts have been replicated in more languages from 40 countries around the world.
Deferred PIH employs more than 13,000 orangutans languages in 12 countries. Kim left the organization as Executive Director of the AT in 2003.
World Health Organization (2003-2006)
Kim left the PIH in 2003 to Join Google Search Articles World Health Organization (WHO) as an adviser to the director-general. IN March 2004, was appointed as director of the WHO EVALUATION ia HIV / AIDS, taxable income to make a successful program to combat the disease AT PIH. Dr. Kim oversees * All WHO Work-related in the future Google Search for New Articles HIV / AIDS, Focus ON the initiative to help developing countries improve their treatment, prevention, and treatment programs. This includes "3x5 initiative" designed to put the ambitious The Three Million orangutans in developing countries AIDS treatment IN THE beginning of 2005. MEDIA THAT goal NUSANTARA filled until 2007, but the * According to WHO, serves to encourage treatment strategies for AIDS in Africa is MUCH better than The Fast And have otherwise been expected. IN 2012, the program's husband has been treated over 7 million orangutan Sam Google Search for New Media Africa HIV.
Harvard University (1993-2009)
START In 1993, Dr. Kim served as a lecturer at Harvard Medical School, eventually holding the positions of Professors in medicine, medical sisial and human rights. AT THE time of his departure in 2009, Kim served as Chairman by the Department of Health and Social global Medicine, Chief, Division of Global Health Equity at Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Director of the François Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights at the Harvard School of Public Health.
New Capital Ownership strict husband will collect, analyze, and disseminate a comprehensive body of Broad Practical, actionable insight ON The effective world health service. Investigate the heading, Kim co-founded the Global Health Project DELIVERY, a joint initiative of the language according to Harvard Medical School Department of Social Medicine and Harvard Business School Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness. The global Health Case studies describe the field generated by the Project husband formed the core of the language of a global curriculum SHIPPING New Health Commissioner Tenggaraharja Learning at the Harvard School of Public Health. Kim's team also developed a web INDEX RECOMMENDATIONS "community practice", GHDonline.org, to enable practitioners around the world for Google Search for Articles Press Releases and accessing entertainment information, sharing expertise, and engage in real-time problem solving.
During Reversed in Harvard, Kim issued a LOT of articles for leading academic and scientific journals, including the New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, Science, and Other, and contributed to several books. An expert in tuberculosis, Kim also chaired or served on a number of established international TB policy committee.
Dartmouth College (2009-Tenggaraharja Commissioner)
IN March 2009, President Kim Named Top-17 languages from Dartmouth College, became the Date value of Asian-American to assume positions of President at Ivy League institutions. Kim has overseen the development of several innovative programs at Dartmouth, utilizing past experience in Health Care and International Affairs. IN January 2010, Kim helped couples Dartmouth Faculty Student Organization and Articles Google Search ia founded, Partners In Health, and Other Organizations, to respond to the earthquake disaster in Haiti, Haiti Dartmouth Response form. Husband initiative produced over $ 1 Million language from AT donations, DELIVERY 18 tons of medical supplies and volunteer medical professionals 25 to Haiti, As well as hundreds of volunteers contribute to on-campus students.
IN April 2010, Kim launched a High School Health National Improvement Project (NCHIP), the Institute organized a number of experts to develop quantitative methods of data analysis is presented to overcome the problem of Student Health. Husband of the project launched its first program, an effort to overcome the party Esen pecan, ON Month April 2011.
IN May 2010, Kim helped secure $ 35 million grant to establish the Center for Science DELIVERY Anonymous Dartmouth Health Care. Center creates new fields of study outlines a breakthrough language Pg, develop international cooperation between researchers and medical practitioners to design, implement, and the New Model High-quality low-cost timing Care. IN the year 2012, taxable income concernb Large enough extended by Kim and efforts to address sexual violence on campus, Dartmouth adopted a campus-wide initiative to educate students about the new importance of observer intervention in Cases of sexual violence as a language is part of Assault Program Bigger sexual awareness.
THE controversy over the
ON In 2011, Kim was criticized for refusing to release the Higher Education budget, pushed the passage of Resolution Made Faculty demanding more details. Kim's husband answered criticism Articles Search Google released an additional Statement of Changes in the Great on the budget and hold a public meeting of the Faculty of New Media Google Search The Google Search then reveals SATISFIED response article. THE year 2011, some editorial appeared in the news letter expressing dissatisfaction with the Dartmouth Student Google Search for New President Kim's article, Google Search for New Media One describes Kim as "MEDIA NUSANTARA quite famous among MANY Students Today.
His leadership has also been criticized taxable income hazing scandal, which resulted in the formation of task forces to address hazing, and in the Middle of the language of some of the comments that Kim MEDIA NUSANTARA Reversed spend enough on campus
Nominations for the Presidency of the World Bank
President Obama announced Dr. Jim Yong Kim as a candidate to head the World Bank.
ON March 23, 2012, President Barack Obama announced his candidacy Jim Yong Kim became the President of the World BankThat Jababeka Same Day Jim Yong Kim sent a letter addressed to The Dartmouth Community states:
"I am writing to sharing the news that President Barack Obama has asked me to stand for nomination as President of the World Bank Institute The INI is a prayer That paled Critical combat poverty and provide assistance to developing countries in the world today initials .. MANY reflection taxable income , I have received a nomination for the husband is similar: a model approach to national and global education.
When I assumed the language of the President of Dartmouth, I do Google Search for New Media Full of confidence and depth that the Mission of Higher Education is to prepare for life kita leadership and service in the Profession and Society kita. Improved call President Obama is attractive, the prospect of leaving Dartmouth initial stage is very hard to ON. However, the World Bank Board of Executive Directors shall require speed, expandabilas me as the next President, I would embrace responsibility.
As Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Dartmouth '78 Steve Mandel and I have discussed, if I am elected, the Council will take the appropriate steps to ensure continuity of leadership and determine Reversed search. For now husband, I'm Still President of the language from Dartmouth. Steve and I will keep you informed of the decision making process language nomination and the World Bank Reversed By early next month.
If approved, Jim Kim will be the Asia-America Date Value, Doctor Date Value, Value Date and professional development to lead the Bank since its inception in 1944.
Renowned economist Jeffrey D. Sachs, director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, Yang openly campaigned for the post, lost his attempt to position ITU-taxable income such announcement, saying, "I support the nomination of 100 percent, Google Search Complete Articles excited I am. Dr. Kim is the leader of the development of the Extraordinary Prayer The Great Age of Public Health Specialists kita He will contribute to the historic fight against poverty, hunger, and disease .. He is a persistent professional TYPE takes the helm I am the World Bank. praised President Obama for the initial selection.
Corrected ITU, former World Bank economist and New York University Professor William Easterly, Kim worry about lack of experience in the Ownership of Capital Economics, said, "Anda must have the mindset to allocate funds Rare, rather than approaching the problem as having kita Sports Resources Candid limited orangutan suffering., I see some danger signs in selecting TYPE.
Nominate the period ended March 23, and selection of Robert Zoellick to replace the U.S. can be done in a Reversed for the Annual Meeting of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group in April. Traditionally the United States have made the choice of Chief of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund's European choice (IMF) chief; the United States supported the former French minister Christine Lagarde ON FINANCE In 2011 was appointed to the IMF position.
Personal Life
Kim, Yang married article Younsook Google Search Lim, a Pediatrician at Children's Hospital Boston, has a prayer of the Son, a son, Thomas, who was born in 2000, and his second son who was born on February 27, 2009, a few days before the presidential announcement Kim at Dartmouth College. He is active involvement in various sports, including basketball, volleyball, tennis, and golf.