James Woods - Actor, USA

James Woods - Actor, USA

James Howard Woods
Vernal, Utah, USA, 18 April 1947

James Woods- James Howard Woods or in full, is an American actor born in Vernal, Utah, 18 April 1947, which is famous for her role as Richard Boyle in the film SALVADOR (1986). The film was later led Woods won the Best Actor Oscar nomination.

GHOSTS OF MISSISSIPPI through the film (1996), he also repeated its success, successful entry won Best Supporting Actor Oscar. While successful films ever starred in them, The Onion FIELD (1974), the Disney movie Hercules, ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA (1984), Batman (1989), RESERVOIR DOGS, and others.

Woods himself was previously married to Sarah Owen (1989-1990) a horse trainer, and had previously been married to actress Kathryn Morrison-Pahoa (1980-1983).

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