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Judit Polgár-Hungarian Chess Grandmaster |
Judit Polgar (born July 23, 1976) is a Hungarian chess grandmaster. He is by far the strongest female chess player in history. In 1991, Polgar won the Grandmaster at the age of 15 years and 4 months, the youngest person ever to do so at that time.
Polgar was ranked No. 29 in the world rankings in March 2012 FIDE Elo rating of 2709 with the only woman on FIDE's Top 100 Players list, and has been ranked as high as eight (in 2005). He has won or shared first in a chess tournament of the Hastings 1993, Madrid 1994, Leon 1996, U.S. Open 1998, Hoogeveen 1999, Siegman 1999, Japfa 2000, and 2000 Najdorf Memorial.
As chess is an activity historically dominated by men, Polgar was the only woman to win the game of world number one at the moment and has defeated nine current or former world champions either fast or classical chess: Anatoli Karpov, Garry Kasparov, Boris Spassky, Vasily Smyslov , Veselin Topalov, Viswanathan Anand, Ruslan Ponomariov, Alexander Khalifman, and Rustam Kasimdzhanov.
Early life
Polgar was born on July 23, 1976 in Budapest, a Hungarian Jewish family. Polgar and two older sisters, International Master and Grandmaster Susan Sofia, is part of the educational experiments conducted by their father László Polgar, in an effort to prove that children could make exceptional achievements if trained in a specialist subject from a very early age. "Geniuses are made, not born", was László's thesis. He and his wife Klara educated their three daughters at home, with chess as a subject specialist. László three daughters also taught international language Esperanto. They received resistance from the Hungarian authorities as a home-schooling is not a "socialist" approach. They also received criticism at the time of some western commentators to revoke the nurse of a normal childhood. However, by most accounts the girls seem happy and well adjusted.
Traditionally, chess has been a male-dominated activity, and women are often regarded as the weaker players, thus promoting the idea of Women's World Champion. However, since the beginning, László was against the idea that her daughter had to participate in a women only event. "Women can achieve the same result, in the field of intellectual activity, with men," he wrote. "Chess is a form of intellectual activity, so this applies to chess. Thus, we reject all forms of discrimination in this respect.This Polgárs put in conflict with the Hungarian Chess Federation of the day, which are for women to play in the women's tournament. Sister The older Polgar, Susan, first against the bureaucracy to play in the tournament and the men refused to play in women's Susan Polgar tournament, when he was 15 years old International Master, said in 1985 that was due. to this conflict that he has not been awarded the title Grandmaster norm despite having made eleven times.
Polgar seldom played in tournaments or special ladies division and never compete for the World Women's Championship. "I always say that women should have the confidence that they are as good as male players, but only if they are willing to work and take it seriously as much as male players," he said. [8] Meanwhile, László Polgar has been credited with being an excellent chess trainer, [9] are also used Polgárs professional chessplayers to train their daughters, including Hungarian champion IM Tibor Florian, Hungarian GM Pal Benko and Russian GM Alexander Chernin.
Susan Polgar, the eldest of the brothers, 5.5 years older than Sophia and 7 years older than Judit, is the first of the sisters to achieve excellence in chess by winning the tournament and in 1986 he was the world's top female chess players.
At first, being the youngest, Judit separated from her sisters when they were in training. However, this only served to increase Judit's curiosity. After learning the rules, they found Judit able to find a solution to their problems and he began to learn invited into the group.
One night she was studying an endgame with their coach, International Master powerful. Unable to find the solutions they build Judit, who was sleeping in bed and took him to the training room. Still half asleep, Judit show them how to solve the problem, after that they put him back to sleep.
László Polgar's experiment will produce a family of one international master and two grandmasters and will strengthen the argument for nurture over nature, but also proves a woman can be a chess grandmaster.
Playing style
Despite having a solid understanding of positional play, tactics Polgar superior in style and is known to play aggressive, trying to maximize the initiative and actively pursuing complications. Former World Champion Garry Kasparov wrote that, based on his game, "if 'play like a girl' meant anything in chess, it means non-stop aggression.
In his youth, he was very popular with fans because of his willingness to employ wild gambits and attack. As a teenager, Polgar has been credited with contributing to the popularity of the opening of the King Bishop Gambit.Polgár variation prefer an aggressive opening, playing 1.e4 White and Indian Defence King of Sicily or the black, but he also said the opening of choice will also depend on the coach .
Jennifer Shahade, author and two-time U.S. chess champion of women, suggesting that the influence Polgar as a role model may be one reason women play chess more aggressive than men.Describing individual encounter with Polgar, a former champion Joel Benjamin said, "It is all-out war for five hours I was very tired .. He is a tiger on the chess board. He really has a killer instinct. you make one mistake and he went right for the throat.
Polgar is very adept at faster time controls. When I was younger, Der Spiegel writes about Polgar, "his tactical storm during the blitz has confused many opponents, who scored higher.
Polgar had spoken to appreciate the psychological aspects of chess. He has stated a preference for learning style of the opponent so that he can play deliberately against him rather than playing the "objective" chess.
In 2002 his victory over Kasparov, he deliberately chose Kasparov line used against Vladimir Kramnik, employing a strategy force the opponent to "play against itself". Kasparov response is not enough and he soon found himself in an inferior position. In an interview about playing against the computer he said, "Chess is 30 to 40% of psychology you do not have this when you play computer .. I do not get confused.
Professional chess
"You have to be very selfish sometimes," Polgar said in talking about the life of a professional chessplayer. "If you're in a tournament, you have to think of yourself-you can not think of a wife or children, only about yourself.When asked in 2002 if he still wants to win the world championship he says," Chess is my profession and of course I hope to improve. But I'm not going to give up everything to become world champion, I have my life.
Polgar said he did not have a permanent coach even though he did not have help from GM or GM Lev Psakhis Mihail Marin. He says he rarely uses the second and when he left for the tournament which usually accompanies her husband.
Polgar he has changed how he prepares for the tournament. "I make more use of my experience now and try to work more efficiently so that my efforts are not wasted," he said in 2008.
Concentrate on her two children left Polgar with little time to train and play competitively and ranked him down from eighth in 2005 to the mid 50's in 2009. However, in September 2010 Polgar remains the only woman in the top 100 and still the only woman I've ever made 10.Comparing mother over to play chess, Polgar chess tournament has been said that now "feels like a vacation.
When asked why he came back to chess after taking time off to care for her children, she said "I can not live without chess It is an integral part of my life.! I enjoy the game!
Although the highest-rated woman for twenty years, Polgar never competes for the women's world championships and in 2011 an interview was asked about this possibility. Polgar said that in the past he was never interested in competing for it, but in recent years "mentality of some female players have changed". Polgar said that for him to consider the competitive challenge and it should be "if I get a very good offer just to play for the title.
Polgar writes children's books on chess, Chess Playground. Her sister Sofia is provided illustrations.In years, designing Polgar chess program for older students of a kindergarten school in Budapest, Hungary.
Personal life
Polgar family member 's killed in the Holocaust, and his grandmother was a victim of Auschwitz concentration camp.
In August 2000, Polgar married Font Gusztáv veterinary surgeon Hungary. They have two children, a boy named Oliver and a girl named Hanna. While Judit remained in Hungary, the whole family eventually emigrated: Sofia and her parents to Israel and then to Canada, and Susan to the United States.