Camillo Golgi-a Doctor and The Italian Scientist

Camillo Golgi-a Doctor and The Italian Scientist
Camillo Golgi

Camillo Golgi (July 7, 1843 - January 21, 1926) was an Italian physician and scientist nationality.
Córteno Golgi was born in the province of Brescia, Italy. His father was a physician and health area. Golgi studied medicine at the University of Pavia, where he worked in a pathology laboratory experiments with Giulio Bizzozero, figures that describe the bone marrow. Golgi graduated in 1865. He spent much of his career by investigating the central nervous system.

While working as chief medical petigas in a mental hospital, he tried to put the metal on neural networks, especially with silver metal (silver or silver staining of contamination). He discovered a method of staining nerve tissue that would stain a few cells in acal. This allowed him to observe the pathways in nerve cells in the brain for the first time. He called his invention the "black reaction" (in Italian: reazione Nera). This method is known as the method of Golgi or Golgi contamination. The reason why there are random impurities can not be explained.

Fixation reaction occurs on the black silver chromate particles on the membrane of neurons (nerve cells) called the neurilemma by reacting silver nitrate with potassium dichromate. This reaction produces a black substance in the nerve cell bodies, axons, and dendrites.

Also found a sensory organ Golgi tendon Golgi receptors that will be called. He studied the life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum and of fevers seen in malaria with the life cycle of this organism. By using the staining technique, Golgi identified a part of the cell in 1898. That part is now known as the Golgi bodies.

Golgi and Santiago Ramón y Cajal received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1906 for his research on the nervous system.
Golgi died in Pavia, Italy, in January 1926.

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