Biography of Adolf Hitler - The dictator of Nazi

Adolf Hitler was born in 1889 in Braunau, Austria. As a teenager he was a failed artist who neglected and sometimes in his young age he became a fanatical German nationalist. At the time of World War I, he entered the German Army, was wounded and received two medals for bravery.

The defeat of Germany make his devastated and furious. In 1919, when he turned thirty years old, he joined the small right-wing party in Munich, and soon the party changed its name to the Nationalist German Workers Party (Nazi summarized). Within two years he rose to be a leader without a rival in the German nickname called "Fuehrer."

Under the leadership of Hitler, the Nazi party with extraordinary speed and become a force in November 1923 his coup failed experiment. The coup was known as "The Munich Beer Hall Putsch. 'Hitler was arrested, accused traitor, and found guilty. However, he was released from prison after languishing there for less than a year.

In 1928 the Nazi party is still a small party. However, a massive depression make people dissatisfied with the political parties are large and well-established. In these circumstances the Nazi party grew stronger, and in January 1933, when forty-four years old, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.

With the job, quickly and deftly Hitler dictatorship formed by using the apparatus of government confront all opposition. Keep in mind, this process is not through the erosion of civil liberties and rights defend themselves against criminal charges, but the lightning blows dealt by the Nazi party and often do not bother with the procedures of the filing at all. Many political opponents beaten, even killed on the spot. Even so, before the outbreak of World War 2, Hitler won support of most of the population of Germany because he managed to suppress the amount of unemployment and economic improvements.

Hitler then designed a way to conquests that ultimately bring the world into the arena of World War 2. He won his first regional war practically without passing at all. Britain and France surrounded by various kinds of economic difficulties, because it wants peace so that they do not give a damn when Hitler betrayed the Versailles Agreement by establishing the German Armed Forces. Similarly, they do not take care when Hitler occupied the Rhineland and strengthen the fort (1936), and likewise when Hitler annexed Austria (March 1938). Even while they receive nod when Hitler annexed the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia border fortress. International agreement known as the "Munich Pact" which by Britain and France are expected as a result of the purchase of "Peace of all time" trampled and left them stunned when Hitler seized Czechoslovakia a few months later partly because Czechoslovakia utterly helpless. At each stage, Hitler cleverly combining arguments to justify his actions with the threat that he would be war if the desire be ignored, and at each stage of democratic countries feel afraid and fell backwards.

However, Britain and France resolved defend Poland, Hitler's next target. First Hitler protect themselves by signing the pact "not to attack each other" August 1939 with Stalin (essentially aggression treaty agreement because they both agree how to divide the two Poles for their own interests). Nine days later, Germany invaded Poland and sixteen days later the Soviet Union did the same. Although Britain and France declared war on Germany, Poland soon be conquered.

The greatness of Hitler's peak year was 1940. In April, the Armed Forces confront Denmark and Norway. In May, he hit the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. In June, the French bend the knee. But in England the same year desperately to survive against the German air raids-known by the nickname "Battle of Britain" and Hitler was never able to set foot on British earth.

German forces conquered Greece and Yugoslavia in April 1941. And in June the same year Hitler tore up the "non-aggression agreement" with the Soviet Union and opened the attack. German Armed Forces to occupy the vast territory of Russia but was unable to totally disarm before winter. Although the opponents fought the British and Russians, unsparing Hitler declared war with the United States in December 1941 and a few days later, Japan confront the United States, rummaging through his Navy base at Pearl Harbor.

In mid 1942 the Germans had mastered the greater part of Europe that never could be done by anyone else in history. Moreover, he ruled North Africa. The turning point battles occurred in the second half of 1942 when Germany was defeated in battle at El-Alamein complex in Egypt and Stalingrad in Russia. After this setback, the good fortune that had the Germans gradually shading-fade is still left. However, despite the defeat of Germany seemed inevitable, Hitler refused to surrender. Not that she was getting scared, even robbery continue for more than two years after Stalingrad. The bitter end of the story occurs in the spring of 1945. Hitler committed suicide in Berlin on 30 April and seven days after the Germans surrendered.

During his power, Hitler was involved in acts of mass murder that there was no standard unrivaled in history. He was a fanatical racist, special to the Jews did with rancorous bubbling. He publicly announced kill every Jew in the world. In his reign, the Nazis built a large exile kampkamp, ​​equipped with gas chambers. In each area into territories, innocent people, men, women and children were herded and thrown into a cattle car to the next revoked his life in the gas chambers. Within just a few years only about 6 million Jews were repatriated to the afterlife.

Following Hitler's most famous statement:

"Ich konnte all die Juden in dieser Welt zu zerstören, aber ich ein wenig Lasse drehte-on, so können herausfinden Sie, ich sie warum getötet"

(I could have destroyed all the Jews in this world, but I am reserving a little of the living, so that you will be able to find out why I kill them)

Jews are not the only group who became victims of Hitler. In the reign of dictatorship, the people of Russia and Gypsy are also cleared, as well as upon those who are deemed to include low or racial enemies of the state. Never imagined the killing is done spontaneously, or in hot conditions and the fierce battle. Rather it mautt camp Hitler built with meticulous organization as if he designed a large business enterprise. Structured data, the number assigned, and the corpses were systematically stripped of his body members as valuable as gold teeth and wedding rings. Also many of the bodies used to make soap factory. So rigorous plan to assassinate Hitler until even the end of the war will be finished, when the Germans lack the ingredients to make use of both civilian and military, cattle car continued rolling toward the camps in order to murder non-military terror mission.

In many ways, it's obvious notoriety of Hitler will be finished. First, he was widely regarded by the world's most wretched of human history. If people like Nero and Caligula is one step of a very insignificant compared to Hitler and Hitler still remains a symbol of atrocities during the 20th century, seemingly melesetlah if someone predicted that Hitler was not such a bad reputation in history will be remembered unchallenged for decades people centuries.

More than that, of course, Hitler will be remembered as the ringleader of the outbreak of World War 2, the greatest war that ever occurred on earth. Advancement of nuclear weapons is an impossibility as will large-scale war in the future. Therefore, even two or three thousand years from now, World War 2 may still be considered a big event in history.

Furthermore, Hitler would remain popular because the whole story concerning him is so creepy and interesting, how a stranger (Hitler was born in Austria, not Germany), how a man who had no political experience at all, no money, no political ties, capable of -in a period of less than fourteen years, became a prominent leader of a world power, truly amazing. His ability as an orator truly extraordinary. Measured by its ability to mobilize the masses in the measures is important, it can be said that Hitler was the greatest orator in history. Finally, how dirty the lift to the summit of power, once terpegang hands will not be soon forgotten.

Perhaps no figure in history who have so much influence on his generation than Adolf Hitler. In addition to the tens of millions of people who die in the war that he was the culprit, or those who died in concentration camps, there are still millions and millions of people Ramanujan are displaced without shelter or who live apart by war.

Other estimates of the influence of Hitler should consider two factors. First, many of which actually happened under his leadership would never have happened if no Hitler. (In this regard he is very different from figures like Charles Darwin or Simon Bolivar). Of course it is true that the situation in Germany and Europe provides an opportunity for Hitler. Military service and anti-Jewish passion, for example, did amaze the listeners. No visible signs, for example, that generally the Germans in the 1920's or 1930's intended to have a government like that driven by Hitler, and very few signs that the other German princes would do the same Hitler. What did the little Hitler had never expected to happen by analysts.

Second, the entire Nazi movement is controlled by a leader up to an incredible level. Marx, Lenin, Stalin and other leaders alike have a role to the growth of Communism. However, National Socialism had no important leader before the advent of Hitler, so did nothing afterwards. Hitler led the party into power and stay on top. When he died, the Nazi party and the government he leads off with him.

However, despite Hitler's influence on his generation was so large, as a result of his actions in the future is not how big it seems. Hitler failed miserably completing arguably the ideal targets are everywhere, and the consequences that appear on the next generation actually the opposite of what he wanted. For example, Hitler intended to spread the influence of German and German territory. However, regions conquests, although very broad, just be brief and temporary. And now even West Germany and East Germany when put together are still smaller than the Republic of Germany when Hitler had become head of government.

Is the impulse of lust Hitler wanted to slaughter the Jews. But fifteen years after Hitler came to power, an independent Jewish state stands for the first time after 2000 years. Hitler hated communism and the Soviet Union either. However, after its death, and partly due to the commencement of the war, Russia even expand his territory in a wide area in Eastern Europe and the influence of Communism in the world even growing. Hitler intended to destroy it instead squeezing democracy, not only in other countries but in Germany itself. However, West Germany is now a democratic country and its inhabitants seem to run more hated dictatorship than any generation before the time of Hitler.

Why is there a strange combination of an unusually large influence on when he came to power with such a mini influence on subsequent generations? Consequences caused Hitler at the time of his life is so enormous that it is obvious Hitler deserved placed in the order a bit high on the list this book.

Even so, of course he must be placed under such figures as Shih Huang Ti, Augustus Caesar and Genghis Khan that his actions affect the world are powerless to reach long after his death. An almost parallel position with Hitler is Napoleon and Alexander the Great. In such a short time, Hitler was able to tear apart the world is much more severe than the two men. Hitler placed under the order of them because they have a longer effect.

Secret Weapons and HITLER NAZI
1. Wind Windkanone Canon

Wind Cannon was also developed by a factory in Stuttgart during the war. He is the type of weapon that will issue a jet of compressed air against enemy aircraft. Working cannon from a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. Experimental trials of the cannon in Hillersleben showed that the 25mm-thick wooden boards can be damaged at a distance of 200m. Nitrogen peroxide has been used in several experiments that will make the color brown path of air from Wind Canon to be monitored by the photo. Nevertheless, the cannons are installed on the bridge of the Elbe, but no concrete results - either because there are no aircraft or unsuccessful (perhaps as one cause).

2. LandKruezer P.1000 Ratte

The Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte (Ratte = rat) is a German WWII Nazi design for super-heavy tank, weighing 1000 tons, or 1,000,000 kg. By comparison, a weight of 61.4 ton Abrams tank. Bruhathkayosaurus, which is probably the heaviest animals ever lived on earth, weighs between 175 and 220 tons, several times smaller than Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte. Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte was designed by Albert Speer, who has more experience as an architect than an engineer.

3. Dora Railway Gun Dora Gerat

Built to destroy the French Maginot Line fortifications, Dora Railway Gun is too late for use in the campaign against France (where the Maginot Line which bypassed). Dora Railway Gun ultimately used in Sebastopol where 48-7 tons of bullets fired during the 13 days, destroying the Soviet defense to perfection.

4. Schallkanone Sound Canon

Tests showed that the pressure waves generated from Sound Canon with 2000 kg of explosives, the dog at a distance of 40 m has been killed. Sound Canon breaks through the parabolic mirror.
At least 50 m radius of Sound Canon can cause people killed or injured.

5. Horten Ho 229 Flying Wing

In the early 1930s, attracted by the Horten flying wing design as a method of improving the performance of gliders. In 1943, Reichsmarschall fried issued a request for design proposals to make the bomber capable of carrying a 1,000 kg (2200 lb) contains more than 1,000 km (620 mi) at 1,000 km / h (620 mph), the so-called 3 X 1000 project. Conventional German bombers reaching Allied headquarters in England.


Project Haunebu was done by several people who joined the SS E-IV (Entwicklungsstelle 4) and led by Viktor Schauberger in 1939 trying to make the electro-magnetic-gravitic engine which is expandable from Hans Coler's free energy machine into enery converter coupled Van De Graaf band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo.
to generate an electromagnetic field capable of rotation effect on gravity and mass shrink ... and put into a design made by Thule .. continuation is

The Haunebu I
First flew in 1939 and has over 52 flight test!.

The haunebu II
So in year 1942, version II with a diameter magnitude haunebu 26m.capable carrying 9 people crew and capable of reaching supersonic speeds ranging from 6,000 to 21,000 km / h with a duration of 55 hours flying!

The haunebu II Do-Stra (Dornier STRAtospharen Flugzeug / stratospheric Aircraft)
This bener2 make war now .. Follow-32m in diameter, can menangkut 20 crews, able to reach hypersonic speeds equivalent 21000km/jam have heat shield and make 106 test flight!
The project is being hunted by two major manufacturers in Germany, the Junkers and Dornier, but winning this tender Dornier ...

The haunebu III
71 meters in diameter, capable membawa32 crew and were able to achieve until 7000 40000km/jam! and able to survive flying for 7 to 8 weeks ..
Well that is the one who fled to Antarctica by using that same Thule Vril in March 1945 (2 of this project involves a secret organization)

The haunebu IV
120m in diameter .. Unfortunately reportedly not know anymore about this, because since haunebu III of the SS until the ngebuat orang2 this pryek dilariin to Antarctica

But Germany lost the war's tetep ...

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