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Hamengkubuwana IX |
Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwana IX (Javanese: Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX), was born in Yogyakarta, the Dutch East Indies, 12 April 1912 - died in Washington, DC, USA, October 2, 1988 at the age of 76 years. He was one who had led the Sultan of Yogyakarta Sultanate (1940-1988) and Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region's first post-independence Indonesia. He served as Vice President of Indonesia is the second between the years 1973-1978. It is also known as the Father of Scouting Indonesia, and has served as Chairman of the national scouts.
Born in Yogyakarta with the name Raden Mas Bendoro Dorodjatun in Ngasem, Hamengkubuwana IX is the son of the Sultan and Prince Maya Hamengkubuwana Kustilah VIII. At age 4 years Hamengkubuwana IX lived apart from his family. He obtained his education in Yogyakarta, Semarang MULO, and AMS in Bandung. In the 1930's, he enrolled at Rijkuniversiteit (now Universiteit Leiden), Dutch ("Sultan Henkie").
Hamengkubuwana IX was crowned as the Sultan of Yogyakarta on March 18, 1940 with the title "Dalem Sampeyan Ingkang Sinuhun Kanjeng Sultan Hamengkubuwana Senapati-ing-Ngalaga Abdurrahman Sayidin Panatagama Khalifatullah ingkang Jumeneng Kaping Sanga". He was the sultan who opposed Dutch colonialism and promote the independence of Indonesia. In addition, he also pushed for the government of Indonesia gives special status to Yogyakarta with the title of "Excellent".
Before crowned, 28-year-old Sultan negotiate tough for 4 months with senior Dutch diplomat Dr. Lucien Adam on the autonomy of Yogyakarta. In the old Japan, the Emperor forbade romusha delivery by organizing local projects Mataram Ditch irrigation canal. Sultan Paku Alam IX with the first local authorities to merge into the Republic of Indonesia. Sultan also who invited the President to lead from Yogyakarta after the Dutch occupied Jakarta in Dutch Military Aggression I.
Role in the General Offensive March 1, 1949
The role of Sultan Hamengkubuwana IX in General March 1, 1949 attack by the military is still not synchronized with the version of Soeharto. According to the Sultan, she who saw the fighting spirit of the people down and encourage the general attack. Meanwhile, according to Pak Harto, he had met Sultan even after the handover of sovereignty. Sultan to use his personal funds (from the palace of Yogyakarta) to pay the salaries of the republic who did not receive a salary since the second military aggression.
Since 1946 he has served several times a minister in the cabinet of President Sukarno. His official position in 1966 was the Chief Minister is in the field of Economy. In 1973 he was appointed vice president. At the end of his term in 1978, he refused to be re-elected as vice president for health reasons. However, there are rumors saying that the real reason he resigned was because it did not like President Soeharto's repressive as the event Malari and drift on the CCN.
He attended the celebration of the 50 year reign of Queen Wilhelmina in Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1938
Sunday evening October 2, 1988, he died at George Washington University Medical Centre, USA and was buried in the cemetery of the sultan of Mataram in Imogiri, Bantul regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Sultan Hamengku Buwana IX was recorded as the longest serving governor in Indonesia between 1945-1988 and King of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta longest between 1940-1988.
The ninth child of Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII and his fifth wife of RA Kustilah / KRA Duke of Anum Amangku State / Kanjeng Alit.
Had five wives:
BRA Pintakapurnama / KRA Pintakapurnama in 1940
RA Siti Kustina / BRA Windyaningrum / KRA Widyaningrum / Ray Duke Anum, RWpurwowinoto daughter, in 1943
Raden Gledegan Ranasaputra / KRA Astungkara, daughter of Prince Lurah Ranasaputra and Sujira Sutiyati Salatun YMI, in 1948
KRA Ciptamurti
Norma Moses / KRA Nindakirana, 1976, daughter of Handaru Widarna
Has fifteen sons:
BRM Arjuna Darpita / KGPH Mangkubumi / KGPAA Mangkubumi / Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X of KRA Widyaningrum, married with Tatiek Drajad Suprihastuti / BRA Mangkubumi / GKR Hemas
BRM Murtyanta / GBPH Kusuma Adi / Adi Kusuma KGPH of KRA Pintakapurnama, married to Dr. Sri Hardani
BRM Ibn Prastawa / KGPH Adi Winata of KRA Widyaningrum, married with Aryuni Utari
BRM Kaswara / GBPH Adi Surya from KRA Pintakapurnama, married with Andinidevi
BRM Arumanta / GBPH King Kusuma from KRA Astungkara, married with Kuswarini
BRM Sumyandana / GBPH of CFC Jaya Kusuma Windyaningrum
BRM Kuslardiyanta of KRA Astungkara, married to Jeng Yeni
BRM Anindita / GBPH Paku of KRA Ciptamurti patrician, married with Nurita Afridiani
BRM Sulaksamana / GBPH Yudha of KRA Astungkara patrician, married Raden Roro Endang Hermaningrum
BRM Abirama / GBPH Chandra nobility of KRA Astungkara, married with Hery Iswanti
BRM Prasasta / GBPH Chakradiningrat of KRA Ciptamurti, married with Indra Lakhsmi Suharjana
BRM Arianta of KRA Ciptamurti, married to Farida Beautiful.
BRM Sarsana of CFC Ciptamurti
BRM Harkomoyo of KRA Ciptamurti, married with Iceu Cahyani
BRM Swatindra of CFC Ciptamurti
Had seven daughters:
Gusti Sri Murhanjati BRA / GKR Anum of KRA Pintakapurnama, married to Colonel Budi Permana / KPH Adibrata who became Governor of South Sulawesi
Sri Murdiyatun BRA / GBRAy Kusuma from KRA Pintakapurnama Murda, Murda KRT married Kusuma
Dr Sri Kuswarjanti BRA / GBRAy Dr. Kusuma from KRA Widyaningrum Riya, Riya KRT married Kusuma
Dr Sri Muryati BRA / GBRAy Dr. Dharma Kusuma from KRA Pintakapurnama, married to Dharma Kusuma KRT
BRA from KRA Ciptomurti Kuslardiyanta
Sri Kusandanari BRA from KRA Astungkara
BRA Kusuladewi Sri Kusuma is married to Padma KRT Sastronegoro, Ex BIG Padepokan Gunungkidul
Kindergarten or kindergarten care Juffrouw Willer School in South Bintaran
Eerste Europese Lagere School (1925)
Hogere Burger School (HBS, junior high and high school) in Semarang and Bandung (1931)
Rijkuniversiteit Leiden, Indologie majors (science of Indonesia) and the economy.
Sultan Hamengkubuwana IX in the Indonesian National Revolution in the late 1940's.
Head and Military Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region (1945)
Minister of State at the Cabinet Sjahrir III (2 October 1946-27 June 1947)
Minister of State at the Cabinet Amir Sjarifuddin I and II (3 Juli 1947-11 November 1947 and 11 November 1947 - 28 January 1948)
Minister of State at the Cabinet Hatta I (January 29 1948-4 Agustus 1949)
Secretary of Defense / Homeland Security Coordinator in the Cabinet Hatta II (August 4, 1949 - 20 December 1949)
Secretary of Defense in the RIS (20 Desember 1949-6 September 1950)
Deputy Prime Minister in the Cabinet Natsir (6 September 1950-27 April 1951)
Chairman of the Board of Curators University of Gajah Mada (1951)
Chairman of the Tourism Council of Indonesia (1956)
Chairman of the Session 4 ECAFE (Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East) and Chairman of the 11th Regional Meeting of Colombo Plan Consultative Committee (1957)
Chairman of the ASEAN Federation Games (1958)
Minister / Chairman of the Supreme Audit Agency (July 5, 1959)
Chairman of the Delegation of Indonesia in a UN meeting on Travel and Tourism (1963)
Coordinating Minister for Development (February 21, 1966)
Deputy Prime Minister for the Economy 11 (March 1966)
Chairman of the national scouts (1968)
Chairman of Indonesian National Sports Committee / KONI (1968)
Head of Delegation of Indonesia in the Pacific Area Travel Conference Association (PATA) in California, United States (1968)
Vice President of Indonesia (25 March 1973 - March 23, 1978)
National Hero
Hamengkubuwana IX became a national hero of Indonesia dated June 8, 2003 by President Megawati Sukarnoputri.