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Lord Robert Baden Powell |
Baden-Powell was born in Paddington, London in 1857. He was the son of the sixth of eight children are taught Savilian professor of geometry at Oxford. His father, pastor Harry Baden-Powell, died when she was 3 years old, and he was raised by his mother, Henrietta Grace Smith, a woman who insisted that his children should succeed.
Baden-Powell said of his mother in 1933, "The secret of my success is my mother." After attending Rose Hill School, Tunbridge Wells, Baden-Powell was awarded a scholarship to Charterhouse public school. Introduction to the skills of hunting and cooking scouts are animals - and avoiding teachers - in the adjacent forest, which is also a forbidden area.
He also played piano and violin, was able to paint well using both hands with the agile, and fond of playing drama. Holidays were spent with yachting or canoeing expeditions with his brothers.
In 1876, Baden-Powell joined the 13th Hussars in India. In 1895 he was assigned to special duty in Africa and returned to India in 1897 to lead the 5th Dragoon Guards.
Baden-Powell each practice and hone the skills of scouting with the Zulu tribe in the early 1880s in colonial Natal South Africa where his regiment was placed and he was rewarded for his bravery. There are three awards that were given Zulu armies are:
IMPRESSA: wolf that never sleeps, because he was often on guard at night.
kantankye: the users of large hat, because he always wears a hat.
m'hlalapanzi: lay people who are ready to shoot.
His skills impressed and he was later transferred to the British secret service. He often served by posing as a collector of butterflies, incorporating the design of military installations in the paintings of butterfly wings.
Baden-Powell was placed in the secret service for 3 years in the Mediterranean based in Malta. He then led a successful movement ketentaraannya in Ashanti, Africa, and at the age of 40 was promoted to lead the 5th Dragoon Guards in 1897.
Several years later, he wrote the book posts titled "Aids to Scouting", a summary of a lecture which he gave the military observers, to help train a new army recruitment. Using this and other methods he was teaching them to think for themselves, use their initiative, and to survive in the jungle.
Baden-Powell returned to South Africa before the Boer War and was involved in several actions against the Zulu. Promoted during the Boer War became the youngest colonel in the British army, he was responsible for the organization of a force of frontiersmen to assist the regular army. When planning this, he was trapped in the siege of Mafeking, and surrounded by a Boer army in excess of 8,000 people.
Although the number is smaller, the garrison survived the siege for 217 days. Much of the success was said to be the result of some deception carried out by order of Baden-Powell as the commander of the garrison. Mines planted false, and the army ordered to avoid ridicule wire fence (no) when moving between the trench sides.
Baden-Powell carry out a review of most of the work personally and build indigenous forces children to watch and carry messages, sometimes penetrating the opponent's defense. Many of these children lost their lives in carrying out the task. Baden-Powell was very impressed with their courage and determination shown when carrying out their duties. The siege was broken up by the Liberation of Mafeking on May 16, 1900. Promoted to Major-General Baden-Powell became a national hero.
After the South African police forces deal with Baden-Powell returned to England to serve as Inspector General of the cavalry in 1903.
Once again, Baden-Powell found the manual "Aids to Scouting" has become a bestseller, and has been used by teachers and youth organizations.
Back from a meeting with the founder of the Boys' Brigade, Sir William Alexander Smith, Baden-Powell decided to re-write Aids to Scouting to suit a youth readership, and in 1907 made a camp on Brownsea Island along with 22 boys of different backgrounds, to test some of his ideas. The book "Scouting for Boys" later published in 1908 in 6 vols.
Boys form a "Scout Troops" spontaneously and the Scouting movement had inadvertently started, first at the national level, and then at the international level. Scout movement developed along with the Boys' Brigade. A meeting for all Scouts was held at Crystal Palace in London in 1908, where Baden-Powell discovered the first movement of Pandu Puteri. Pandu Puteri and was established in 1910 under the supervision of Baden-Powell's sister, Agnes Baden-Powell.
Although he may actually be the Supreme Commander, Baden Powell decided to retire from the army in 1910 with the rank of Lieutenant-General on the advice of King Edward VII, who suggested that it was better to serve his country by promoting Scouting.
At the January 1912 Baden-Powell met his future wife Olave Soames on passenger ships (Arcadia) en route to New York to start a World Scout trip. 23 year old Olave Baden-Powell 55, and they teamed up date of birth. They became engaged in September the same year and became a press sensation, probably because of the fame Baden-Powell, because of differences in age as was prevalent at the time.
In order to avoid press intrusion, they married in secret on October 30, 1912. It is said that Baden-Powell had only one another adventure with a woman (Juliette pertunganannya failed with Magill Kinzie Gordon).
British Scouts donate a penny apiece, and they buy a wedding gift Baden-Powell, a Rolls Royce.
When World War I broke out in 1914, Baden-Powell offered himself to the Position of War. No responsibility is given to him, because, as Lord Kitchener said: "He can get some divisional generals but could find no one who could carry on the work of the Boy Scouts." Was widely rumored that Baden-Powell was engaged in espionage and secret service tried to the myth.
Baden-Powell was awarded the title of Baronet in 1922, and the title of Baron Baden-Powell of Gilwell in the County of Essex, in 1929. Gilwell Park being the International Scout Leader training. Baden-Powell was awarded the Order of Merit in the British honors system in 1937, and was awarded 28 other titles from foreign countries.
In a short poem which he wrote, he explains how to pronounce his name:
Man, Nation, Maiden
Please call it Baden.
Further, for Powell
Rhyme it with Noël.
Under the persistent efforts of the developing world Scouting movement. In 1922 there were more than a million Scouts in 32 countries: in 1939 the number of scouts in excess of 3.3 million people.
Baden-Powell family has three children - one boy and two girls (who received honorary degrees in 1929; son later succeeded his father in 1941:
* Peter, later 2nd Baron Baden-Powell (1913-1962)
* Hon. Heather Baden-Powell (1915-1986)
* Hon. Betty Baden-Powell (1917-2004) who in 1936 married Gervase Charles Robert Clay (born 1912 and have 3 boys and 1 girl)
Not long after getting married, Baden-Powell faced with health problems, and suffered several attacks of the disease. He suffered from constant headaches, a doctor considered from psychosomatic disorders and treated with dream analysis.
This headache stopped after he no longer sleep with Olave and moving to a new bedroom on the balcony of his house. In 1934 prostatenya discarded, and in 1939 he moved to a house he built in Kenya, a country that never dilawatinya to berehat. He died and was buried in Kenya, at Nyeri, near Mount Kenya, on January 8, 1941.
In 1938 the Royal Academy of Sweden bestowed Lord Baden-Powell Scouting and all the Nobel Peace Prize for 1939. But in 1939 the Royal Academy decided not to confer the prize for that year, since the outbreak of World War II.
Scout movement, and Pandu Puteri celebrate February 22 as the day of BP, date of birth along with Robert and Olave Baden-Powell, to commemorate and services meraikan Chief Scout and Chief Scout Miss World.